India a Developed Country, what stops it from being there

India is growing in terms of so many things

  1. population
  2. pollution
  3. economy
  4. worlds interest

but how long its going to sustain this growth, of course in terms of economic & worlds interest if not taken care of population and pollution.

Look at all indian cities they are choked/handicapped with poorest-infrastructure, look at rural india even there not a good infrastructure exists.

Basic issue is understanding, planning and a fair implementation.

We have to cut down unnecessaey expenses on Defense & try to divert it to improve infrastrcuture as spending on defense is not required for todays decade as major economic hubs will be saved by rest of world as there interests will be tightly integrated with saftey & well being of this hubs.

Foremost and important things for future are

* curb population growth with giving better life style, education/awareness to every one

* reason of population growth is uncertain future, as most parents still have differntiation in son & daughter, more helping hands means better future, lack of awareness of what quality life is, importance of education. Govrnment and all major awareness agencies(advt) should have effective campaigns which help people understand why its important and how better u have a life with 1/2 kids, how things have changed in decades and how it will in future

* water harvesting is major concern, wherever possible start using oxy-osmosis water from sea for non drinking purpose as car wash, lavotory/toilets, washing etc.. Why waste valuable drinking water on this.

* Heavy imphasis on finding natural and replacement/options for oil energy resources

* world class roads, transportations

* world class ports

* think of having commercial & residential districts formula for all major metros where it helps in keeping less people staying in cities & helping ppl enjoy there lifes

She has all the potentials, only a well researched & optimistic thought and a push from all billion people is needed and she is there in good big league.