public String[] getURLs()
String q = “declare namespace xhtml=\”\”; \n” +
”for $d in //xhtml:ol[@id=’abcnav’]/xhtml:li/xhtml:a \n”+
” return
//pScrape is a com.apsquared.jscrape.PageScraper object that has already logged in to the site.
List l = pScrape.scrapePageForList(“”, q);
if (l == null)
return null;
String[] ret = new String[l.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < l.size() ; i++)
TinyNodeImpl ti = (TinyNodeImpl)l.get(i);
ret[i] = new String(ti.getStringValue());
return ret;
Note: this may return null if the user account only has a small # of contacts.
For each url returned you need to scrape the page looking for the contacts. I used the following XQuery for that scrape:
declare namespace xhtml=\”\”;
for $d in //xhtml:td[@class=’contactnumbers’]/xhtml:span/xhtml:a
That’s about it, as we’ll see in the next few days this is much simpler than many other sites (GMail, Hotmail, AOL) as they require many more tricks to login.