Reached venue @ 5.10pm; Pratima was about to finish Introduction of Arun Maira (chairman boston consulting group, india); Arun started sharing his thoughts on todays topic of Innovations.
As this was a interactive session; to keep it that way he asked audience on what they think of as Innovations; Enterprenuership, areas audince would like to know more in todays ession. Plenty of questions came on How to make sure Innovations happen in traditional companies; How do deliverables processes and innoation coexist; how to get work out of ordinary people and so many.
As most of audience were engineering background; he started explaing Innovations with the second law of Thermodynamics, Evolution, and Probability.
After this it was a good talk on what organization consists of and healthy behavious all 4 attributes
After this it was issue with traditional thinking organizations and even Big Blue IBM and how sheer size kills motivated innovation within and market forces act on this organizations to reengineer them to make sure momentum is gained again.
Greek term 'Neotism'(holding onto your youth) on bell curve was discussed.
Also how most affected section on curve makes big deal about change and policies was talked about.
'Living Company' was discussed too.