Time To Say Goodbye to Windows xp

The support from Microsoft for Windows XP will be for another year: the April 8, 2014 in fact, after about 13 years after its debut, the operating system so loved by the users will no longer be supported by the company that created it . Windows XP was launched on 25 October 2001 and was one of the longest running Microsoft systems of its history, replaced by Vista in 2007. Today it is still widely used with the proportion of about 40% according to NetApplication the end of 2012, coming from no less than 80% utilization during the year 2009.

The Microsoft Security Response Center has paid homage to XP by Gerardo Di Giacomo, who stated that:

Windows XP was released August 24, 2001. At that time, high-speed internet and wireless connections were a rarity. Are the norm. Internet users have grown from about 360 million to almost two and a half billion. Thanks to programs like Skype, video calls can now easily and social networks from being just a curiosity for a few have become a tool of daily use. Despite this, Windows XP was always present, and is still alive and in good health.With its longevity and catchment area, Windows XP has faithfully served its users over the years. Unfortunately, all good things must end, and Windows XP is no exception.

At this time, Windows XP is still used by about 23% of the users and, during the late support to XP, the operating system will be updated again 6 times: MS13-028, MS13-029, MS13-031, MS13-032 , MS13-033 and MS13-036 Finally, of which the first two will have priority, dedicated to the Internet Explorer and Windows Remote Desktop Client. The April 8, 2014 so there will be no updates for Windows XP and will be completed in the same period also support the Office 2003 suite.

by Akhil Kumar