Congress Asks if Google Glass Will Be a Privacy Nightmare

Google Glass makes it easy for wearers to surreptitiously take pictures or video of unknowing subjects. That's caused more than a few people to ask: What does Glass mean for our privacy? Now Congress, too, wants answers.

Eight members of Congress' bi-partisan privacy caucus sent a letter to Google CEO Larry Page Thursday seeking answers about Glass' privacy implications:

Will Glass collect users' data without their consent?

What steps are being taken to protect non-users' privacy?

Will Glass offer facial recognition to identify non-users and display information about them?

What restrictions is Google placing on Glass and Glass apps?

Will Google Glass cause Google to change its privacy policy?

Will Glass store data on the device, and will it offer user authentication?

The lawmakers gave Page until June 14 to reply.

"We are thinking very carefully about how we design Glass because new technology always raises new issues," said a Google spokesperson when asked for comment about the letter. "Our Glass Explorer program, which reaches people from all walks of life, will ensure that our users become active participants in shaping the future of this technology."

Several establishments, including movie theaters, casinos and at least one bar in Seattle have already banned Glass over privacy concerns. Are you worried about Google Glass' impact on your privacy? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Google Glass Congress

Google Glass Congress

Image via David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images