Eerie Pics Show Tunisia's Abandoned 'Star Wars' Sets

Little known fact: Tatooine isn't actually located in a galaxy far, far away. It's right here on Earth — Tunisia, to be precise.

The North African country was where many of the most iconic Stars Wars scenes were shot decades ago. Its dramatic, desolate landscape provided an ideal setting to help bring George Lucas' imagination to life.

Visual artist and filmmaker Rä di Martino recently saw the abandoned sets — some of which have stood the test of time better than others — firsthand. Her eerie, beautiful photos are remarkable both for their nostalgic value and their subject matter, giving those who see them a window into a surreal world. She's letting us run a handful here; check out di Martino's website for more of her work. 

1. If Lucas was looking to establish Tatooine as a stark place, it's easy to see why he chose Tunisia to build a set.

2. Some of what's left from the Star Wars days is virtually unrecognizable, however.

3. The Lars homestead ain't what it used to be.

4. This photo, according to di Martino, shows a Tunisian beggar sitting among the ruins.

5. di Martino's Star Wars photos are part of her research for a project on abandoned film sets in North Africa.

All photos courtesy Rä di Martino

By Sam Laird